Owners management

All information in one click
With a single click, you have access to all information about the owner and his proprieties, you can write a letter directly from the owner's folder, generate a report or print a selection of desired information. It is also possible to link several owner's together.
Do you have important documents and want to be able to consult them from anywhere online? With our system, this is no problem.
Always up-to-date thanks to the built-in calendar
With the integrated agenda, you can see which events are planned for each owner. Thanks to the calendar, you'll never miss another important event! All activities can be recorded in our online software.
How to keep your owners
Automated reports can be generated for your owners to keep them informed of all actions that concern their objects. More information on reporting can be found here: Reporting

Discover our other tools
Immomig V10
Have a look on the latest version of our online software Immomig®.
Newsletter creator
With a few clicks to a professional newsletter with analyzes and statistics.
Create clear statistics and analyze each of your actions.
Letter creator
Create a letter in your company's corporate design with just a few clicks.