A new AI module for Immomig®!


A new AI module for Immomig®!
IMMOMIG SA pushes the boundaries of real estate innovation by introducing a brand new artificial intelligence (AI) module integrated into our Immomig® software. This new feature is designed to simplify the writing of real estate listing descriptions, offering real estate professionals a new resource to optimize their time.

Save time
IMMOMIG SA's artificial intelligence is positioned as an intelligent editorial ally, designed to make life easier for those in charge of writing ads. By generating automatic descriptions for houses and apartments, this innovative tool offers invaluable assistance when inspiration is lacking, saving time while preserving ad quality.

Intelligent editorial ally
Crucially, this AI acts as an intelligent editorial ally, providing relevant suggestions without seeking to replace human know-how. As a result, real estate professionals can concentrate on more strategic, human-oriented tasks, while ensuring attractive, informative descriptions in a minimum of time.

Limitations at launch
When released, the AI tool will be designed exclusively for houses and apartments. Commercial properties, business premises and land will not yet be taken into account. However, we intend to gradually expand the scope of this functionality to encompass other types of real estate.

Where can you find this new tool?
This new feature is only available for the PRO version of Immomig® software, and it's free!
When you are in the details of a property, you will find all the data you have entered in the software in the "Features" section. By clicking on the "Descriptions" section, you'll find the different descriptions of your ads. At the bottom right of the "Title", "Description/overview" and "Location" fields you'll find a new "Generate texts by AI" button. By clicking on this button, our artificial intelligence will generate a text taking into account the data you have inserted in the property characteristics. To use this text with your modifications, simply click on the "Import" button and make your changes in the usual text box.
