Telework and housing: evolution and perspectives

A few years ago, especially during lockdowns, for many people telecommuting was the new normal. For many, today, they are back to the same way they used to work, that is, face-to-face. However, a portion of the population continues to telecommute on a full- or part-time basis, and in the coming years the number of people working from home is expected to increase. According to the study of the Federal Housing Office, called "Influence of telework on the choice of place and mode of living", in 10 years, 40% of the employed should telework on a regular basis. According to this OFL study, telecommuting influences housing choice criteria.
Here are some examples of how these criteria could impact where working people live in the next 10 years:
To learn more about this study, below is a summary of the study.
Résumé de l'étude
Zusammenfassung der Studie
Federal Office of Housing - Article
RTS info - Article
Here are some examples of how these criteria could impact where working people live in the next 10 years:
- More spacious homes: Indeed, having a professional activity at home can make people want to have more living space, especially to set up an office for example.
- The desire to become a homeowner: this desire may be exacerbated by spending more time at home.
- Travel to small and medium-sized urban centers: to be able to afford a larger home and/or to become a homeowner, smaller cities are more accessible than larger cities.
- Attractive outdoor spaces: by being more often present at home, comes the desire to have outdoor spaces that make you want to spend some time there, a nice balcony or a beautiful terrace.
- Local businesses: Having shops and services close to home is also a change related to the increase in telecommuting. This could encourage the local economy in smaller communities.
To learn more about this study, below is a summary of the study.
Résumé de l'étude
Zusammenfassung der Studie
Federal Office of Housing - Article
RTS info - Article