The Lake Geneva region attracts young people


The Lake Geneva region attracts young people
Young people are particularly attracted by the dynamism of the Lake Geneva region. This is the finding of an article in 24heures.

Fribourg, Geneva and Vaud are among the three youngest cantons in French-speaking Switzerland. We can also see a difference between the French and German parts of the canton of Fribourg, where there are fewer children across the Sarine. Following this observation, Abram Pointet, a geographer quoted in the article, states: "French-speaking Switzerland is the kindergarten of Switzerland".

A small exception is the German part of Switzerland, southern Aargau, where the number of children rivals that of the French-speaking part.
Why this difference? This can be explained by a certain economic and demographic dynamism. Many young workers, Swiss or foreign, are attracted by these elements that we find in Western Switzerland.

Demographics imposed by construction

Let's take the example of a municipality called Goumoëns, located in the canton of Vaud. It is currently one of the youngest communes in the canton with more than 25% children among its population. We could explain this by the fact that 90 houses have been created recently, which has attracted families. However, it is also to be expected that these children will grow up and may even have left the municipality before their 30th birthday. The average housing turnover for owners is 40 to 45 years, compared to 20 to 25 years for tenants.

Lausanne is getting younger

Forty years ago, Lausanne was aging. Today, it is a wave of young people who are settling there to study and families are leaving the city instead. The trend has changed.
