The real estate fair RENT is postponed!

The organizers of RENT Switzerland 2020 have decided to postpone the event to September 1st. This is due to the current uncertainty and fears related to the coronavirus epidemic. Faced with this exceptional situation, all those involved in the organisation of this event were unanimous: the health and well-being of the participants comes first!
The RENT Switzerland 2020 will nevertheless take place for the first time in Switzerland this year and we can be delighted about it! The format as well as the content initially announced will be maintained and participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on a multitude of aspects such as the impact of new technologies and innovations for business or the challenges of environmentally responsible real estate for sustainable development.
IMMOMIG SA is thrilled to be able to support an event of this scale and invites you to visit their website to learn more.
The RENT Switzerland 2020 will nevertheless take place for the first time in Switzerland this year and we can be delighted about it! The format as well as the content initially announced will be maintained and participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on a multitude of aspects such as the impact of new technologies and innovations for business or the challenges of environmentally responsible real estate for sustainable development.
IMMOMIG SA is thrilled to be able to support an event of this scale and invites you to visit their website to learn more.